
Software Install

Software Install

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Installing Geeklog


# Decompress the sources:
tar -xvzf apache_1.3.12.tar.gz
tar -xvzf php-4.0.2.tar.gz
tar -xvzf mysql-3.22.32.tar.gz
tar -xvzf gd1.3.tar.gz

# Compile the sources:
cd gd1.3

cd ../mysql-3.22.32
make install
safe_mysqld &
mysqladmin -u root password raptor114

cd ../apache_1.3.12
./configure \
 --prefix=/usr/local/apache \
 --enable-module=most \

# If you presently have a module you should:

cp /usr/local/apache/libexec/

# If you have a file called /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf already, you
# should:

mv /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf.was

# This way you'll get a fresh httpd.conf with all your Apache modules listed
# and 100% loadable.

# Don't worry if your web server is presently running. The httpd.conf file
# is only read by the httpd binary when starting the web server.

make install

cd ../php-4.0.2
mv /usr/local/number4.tar.gz .
tar -xvzf number4.tar.gz
./configure \
 --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
 --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/apache/conf \
 --enable-versioning \
 --with-mysql \
 --enable-ftp \
 --with-gd=/usr/local/gd1.3 \
 --enable-bcmath=yes \
 --disable-debug \
 --enable-memory-limit=yes \
make install

# Uncomment or Change the following lines in
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.php3 index.phtml
AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm .php .php3 .phtml
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

cp /usr/local/php-4.0.2/php.ini-dist /usr/local/apache/conf/php.ini

# Start Apache:
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start

# Create a file in /usr/local/apache/htdocs called index.php
<? phpinfo(); ?>

./configure \
 --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
 --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/apache/conf \
 --enable-versioning \
 --with-mysql \
 --enable-ftp \
 --disable-debug \
 --enable-memory-limit=yes \

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ProFTP setup


ProFTPD Setup Guide
By: Vincent Hillier [email protected]


NOTE: All users using 1.2.0pre10 are urged to upgrade asap. 1.2.0rc1 fixes a
format string vulnerability.

Ok, first thing you need to do is get the source code for ProFTPD. I'd
recommend getting the latest version availible, the latest is 1.2.0rc1. The
source can be found on anyone of the sites below. (choose which one is
closest to you)

Chicago, IL, USA:
Los Angeles, CA, USA:
London, England:
Amsterdam, The Netherlands:

Now that you have the source, lets extract it and make the new directory our
CWD by executing the following commands...

tar xzvf proftpd-1.2.0rc1.tar.gz
cd proftpd-1.2.0rc1/

Ok now we need to configure how ProFTPD is built. Basically, what this below
commands is saying, is to put everything into /usr/local/ and keep the
proftpd.conf file in /etc/ and enable shadow password support, you will
probably need shadow password support and if your not sure on whether you do
or not, check /etc for a file called "shadow", if you don't have it you do
not need shadow support, if it does exist, you need shadow support.

./configure --prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdir=/etc --enable-shadow

Now we have to compile and install ProFTPD, By executing the following

make install

Ok, now that that's done, we need to configure ProFTPD, switch to your /etc/
directory, and open proftpd.conf in your favourite editor.

Ok the Server Name directive, is what you want your users to see, as a
server name (whoa, does it really? :))

ServerName "Vince's FTP Server"

The next entry is Server Type, this can be either standalone or inetd, I am
only covering standalone in this guide, if you would like to use inetd, has some FAQs for you :)

ServerType standalone

Next up is Default Server, this controls the server configuration to use,
for each incoming connection. This directive is nice, for virtual hosting,
but I will not cover it in this guide, if you would like me to, you can mail
me a money order for $20.00 and I can tell you all about it. :) (Just
kidding about the money order part, if ya need to know more information
about it, check here...

DefaultServer on

Ok, next is the port directive, if you want to run your ftp server on a non
standard port (21) then change this here, keep in mind nobody could connect
to your FTP server without knowing the port. Don't get all excited thinking
"Oh if I change the port, no one would no it is running, and could never
exploit it, shall a exploit arise" this is just wrong, the port could easily
be found with a port scanner, has one of the more popular
port scanners, get NMAP (port scanner) from there and give it a shot :)

Port 21

Next we have umask, wtf is umask you ask? Umask is used to set initial file
permissions. The default umask (022) is equivelent to 0644 using chmod,
which would give to a file permission like rw-r--r--. You can always change
file attributes after they are created, so just leave this default, and
change if need be.

Umask 022

Now the next directive is MaxInstances, This is here to try and prevent DoS
attacks. What this directive does is set a limit of the maximum number of
child processes that can be spawned from the parent process, in other words,
this number is the maximum allowed users on the ftp server at one time. This
directive only works in Standalone mode, which is