
Fortress Strengthens Wired Equivalent Privacy

Fortress Strengthens Wired Equivalent Privacy

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Windows IT Security News / Mark Joseph Edwards / April 18, 2001 
Fortress Strengthens Wired Equivalent Privacy

Article Information 
InstantDoc ID: 20706

To strengthen known weaknesses in the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
protocol used in the 802.11b wireless network standard, Fortress
Technologies has released a new Layer 2 protocol called Wireless Link
Layer Security (wLLS). The new protocol provides secure frame and packet
transmissions by automating critical security operations, including
encryption, authentication, data integrity-checking, key exchange, and
data compression. Fortress based wLLS on techniques it uses in its
patented Secure Packet Shield (SPS) technology. 

WEP provides basic security mechanisms to help protect data as it
travels across the radio waves. The protocol also provides
authentication to help prevent unauthorized access to the network from
rogue wireless devices. In February 2001, we reported that scientists at
the University of California, Berkeley, released a report detailing
several security problems in the WEP protocol. In April 2001, we also
reported that researchers at the University of Maryland's Department of
Computer Science had discovered three more security risks in the
protocol. Fortress' new wLLS protocol resolves all of the WEP-related
vulnerability issues reported to date and could help prevent similar
risks in the future. 

In March 2001, Microsoft announced that Windows XP will support the new
802.1x wireless network standard (see our report Windows XP to Support
802.1x Wireless Network Standard, Windows IT Security News, March 27,
2001). The 802.1x standard defines port-based network access control for
wireless networks. John Dow, vice president of marketing and corporate
development for Fortress Technologies, said that wLLS complements 802.1x
and that Fortress intends to work with Microsoft to ensure seamless
integration of the two technologies. "We are excited to introduce our
solution to wireless equipment providers and, based on initial feedback,
we are confident that they recognize the immediate benefit wLLS would
offer their customers." Fortress will license the wLLS protocol to
wireless LAN equipment makers. 

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